Verified Celebrities

TalentZ is proud to work with a number of internationally recognised Celebrities and Talent.
To ensure that our users are safe in the knowledge that they are dealing with either the Talent or their Direct Representative, we allow all Talent to request Verification. ​
Those who create misleading or Fake profiles, will be removed and blocked from using our platform. At TalentZ we endeavour to increase the Trustworthiness and Transparency within the Celebrity Management and Events Industries.
When booking someone, make sure to look out for the blue or white Verification "Tick" next to their name. Rest assured that we take Verification seriously and so guarantee that only official accounts will be Verified by us.
If you are unsure whether or not someone is who they say they are, please feel free to
contact the TalentZ Team here.
Click here for the types of Celebrities and Talent we work with at TalentZ.