Why TalentZ?

No MiddleMen
Many Booking Agencies do not actually represent the Talent they list on their Rosters. They may have previously worked with the names shown on their websites, however they rarely have direct contact with the Talent themselves.
It is therefore common within the events and entertainment industries for Bookers to have their Talent enquiries passed on from one Booking Agency to the next until they finally reach the Talent's official representative.
Not many people realise that when an enquiry is handled in this way, each person down the line adds their individual commissions to the booking. This can drastically increase the final fee.
By eliminating the middlemen, TalentZ aims to save you money and provide the fastest and most straightforward means of contacting the Talent you are looking for.
We aim to verify all public figures and celebrities listed on TalentZ, doing our best to ensure you’re always dealing with the right person, directly.
Any Agencies that use TalentZ to list their Talent require pre-approval by our team. Agencies that are unable to prove that they directly and exclusively represent the Talent they work with will not be approved.
You can rest assured that with TalentZ you will have direct contact with Talent or their official representatives, no middlemen.


No Commission
TalentZ charges no commission on any bookings made through our platform. Therefore the Talent's fee is what you pay, and what they receive.
Our aim is to increase Transparency and Trust within the Live Entertainment and Celebrity Management Industry, whilst redefining the booking process and creating a platform that is equally as beneficial to the Booker as it is the Talent.
Having direct contact with Talent means that we are able to, not only guarantee a smoother booking process, but a more cost effective one too. This will avoid the unwarranted commissions often added by unofficial agents.
We do not feel that it would be fair to either you as a Booker, or the Talent if we decided to take a percentage of your hard work, so we don't.
Our team has over 50 years of combined industry experience, and we feel that the best approach to changing the face of the industry is to blow the doors off and make our platform as universally accessible as possible.
TalentZ puts the booking process in the hands of the two people it concerns the most. The Booker and the Talent.
No Hidden Fees
At TalentZ we find it frustrating to negotiate a deal, only to find that the price we thought we were going to pay didn’t include a "facilitation fee", "handling fee", "booking fee" or any other additional expenses for that matter.
That’s why we don't hide our fees or costs from our users. The other reason is because we don't have any fees to hide in the first place.
After an offer is accepted through TalentZ, Bookers are able to directly communicate with Talent and can discuss and agree upon all arrangements surrounding the booking, from travel to expenses. This means that there will be no nasty surprises when it comes to finalising the booking.
As stated in our Terms and Conditions, our payment provider implements a nominal transaction fee on payments made through TalentZ. This ensures that the payment is secure from the point it leaves the Booker's card until it enters the Talent's account. However, we don't like being bound to these sort of things, and neither should you. So we give you the option to independently handle your payment outside of the App.